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Wordology: 21 Unique Words
2 min readNov 14, 2022
Arm yourself with the power of words.

Life is dull, and so is your writing when you use the same verbiage over and over.
A writer should always have a plethora of words to spice things up a bit.
Here are some eye-catching terms to add to your repertoire:
- Obeisance (noun): Any action that shows deep respect for someone or something.
- Blueth (noun): The state of being blue.
- Whist (verb): to hush or silence; to still; to become silent.
- Longanimity (noun): Silent suffering while planning revenge.
- Psychodysleptic (adjective): That brings on a dreamlike mental state; hallucinogenic.
- Oneiromancy (noun; Greek): The practice of predicting the future through the interpretation of dreams.
- Stormbound (adjective): Cut off from outside communication by a storm or its effects; stopped or delayed by storms.
- Melophile (noun): A person who loves music.
- Friscolating (adjective): shimmering on the horizon at sunset; an effect caused by the sun setting over the horizon, creating an optical illusion of shimmering, liquefied light, akin to a mirage.
- Ludic (adjective): Full of fun and high spirits.